Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Skin Cap user's opinions 7

From Tom Keller -- 9/13/97 3:10 AM:

Help me skin cap is the only product that has ever helped my acute psoriasis...I have been on every steroid creme known to man. Have tried methotrexate and tegison without much success and light treatment as well. I desperately need to find a pharmacy outside of the US that would ship a few cans for personal use. Any help you could give would be appreaciated.
From Peter M. Eckman -- 9/10/97 10:05 PM:

Upon browsing your web pages, I noted a section asking for comments from users of Skin-Cap. As a former user, I was eager to comment. I have had light (but relatively extensive) psoriasis for approximately 15 years. I have tried a number of different treatments including but not limited to: UV (and PUVA), tar, tape, Aclovate and Dovonex. Of these, I found Skin-Cap to be the most efficacious (by far) as well as the easist to use. I was delighted to have found a product that appeared to be a safe and effective treatment option and was pleased to take part in a clinical trial of Skin-Cap by Dr. Charles Crutchfield at the University of Minnesota. The results were striking. I did notice some dilation of small vessels near the treatment area, but wasn't concerned as I believed that the product was as safe as it was efficacious.

Upon being told by a dermatologist that Skin-Cap had been shown to contain a dangerous steroid, I reluctantly discontinued my usage of the product and returned my remaining supply to Cheminova for a refund. After an argument with the sales representative as to whether the product had been shown to contain the material in question (as a scientist myself, I'm inclined to trust places like Glaxo and tho Mayo Foundation), I was able to send my remaining cans back for a refund. I was very disappointed at this response as the person answering the phones was clearly answering my questions from some sort of script without regard to the dangerous nature of their product and the harm that it could cause their customers.

You mentioned on your web page that:

"Glaxo's study found undisclosed (and probably trace) amounts of clobetasol propionate in Skin-Cap. This is not necessarily cause for alarm. In fact, Temovate contains .05% clobetasol propionate."

Although Skin-Cap may indeed contain very small amounts of the compound in question, the amount alone is not a reliable indicator of side effects. Botulin toxin is deadly enough to kill in nanogram quantities. There are plently of other examples in the medical literature.

You also state:

"If you use Temovate for too long, it could eat a hole in your skin. I would know, because it happened to me. Using Temovate for too long means using it for more than two weeks. I, and many others, have been using Skin-Cap for over a year without ANY side effects."

That's why Temovate is a prescription drug. Use even WITH a doctor's supervision can be dangerous. The same is true of Skin-Cap. The product is obviously useful (I was part of a clinical trial of Skin-Cap) but that doesn't mean that it is safe to sell as an over the counter remedy for psoriasis.

"Has anybody thought it at all strange how well orchestrated this ban has been? How often do YOU see information about psoriasis treatments in the news? I wonder who paid for all those press releases and articles printed -- do you think it could be a drug company with alot of money? It's rather odd how much attention this has been getting, don't you think?"

Are you aware that the product was banned in other countries (Netherlands is one that I am aware of) first and reports from there were what prompted the FDA investigtion? I don't buy your conspiracy theory for a second.

"Cheminova says there are NO STEROIDS in Skin-Cap."

Do you think that it's in THEIR best interest to keep people using their product? Of course it is. Look how long it took to get tobacco manufacturers to admit cigarettes as a carcinogenic substance.

I firmly believe that Cheminova has acted in a blatantly unethical fashion and I am very upset by the fact that they continue to deny the presence of clobetasol propionate in their product. I have since experienced what I would consider a significant rebound in my psoriasis and am hopeful that the NPF and the FDA will be able to stop Cheminova from selling such a potentially harmful product.

You have my permission to print my comments, although I'd be pretty surprised to see an opposing viewpoint on your page. Please re-consider your advocacy of Skin-Cap as an OTC product. If your really want to use such a powerful drug, you should be able to find a dermatologist who can accept your willingness to risk the severe side effects that are associated with superpotent steroids.
From Judy King -- 9/9/97 11:42 AM:

I have written a letter to the NPF which I am attaching to this note to you. I have been so distraught at their approach to reporting on Skin-Cap, I feel I have to withdraw my support from the organization. I hope others will join me and that you can be a catalist for this. Please use my letter to promote the idea. Thanks, Judy King

From Jim Balutis -- 9/8/97 4:23 PM:

Skin Cap has made my life liveable... I'm a publicist at a major record label and have some pretty heavy media contacts...let me know if I can help! I'd like to pitch a story on psoriatics and Skip Cap to Prime Time Live...
From Fred Kofler -- 9/8/97 3:53 PM:

Great Idea, we got to get together and save skincap. The shit works like a miracle and I'm mad as hell it was taken away.
From Jody D. in Central MA -- 9/7/97 1:58 PM:

Cant' tell you what the miracle of Skin Cap did for my 11 year old daughter who was diagnosed with one of the worst cases of scalp P any Dr. had seen.. We went through & ders, in four year and every steroid on the market, even met with one of the found ing Drs. of EXOREX at Boston Universsity.. and the ONLY thing that has worked is Skin CAO.. Thank God for Great Lakes Pharmacuetcai, my daughters order just arrived in time..It's the pharmacuetical companies in this country that DON'T want an over the counter cure.. it's been a true miracle here..
From Rita Hugelmann -- 9/6/97 11:13 PM:

We can all bet that if some of the people who are trying to deprive us of skin-cap had psoriasis or anything similar and suffered the way we had and then came across this miracle we've found they'd be doing anything in their power to keep it around for all who choose to have a normal life
From Howard Fields:

I have suffered with psorasis for 20 years. I tried virtually every topical ointment I could find both over the counter and by prescription. After 12 years of little success, I began UVB treatments three times a week for the next three years. For two years, the UVB treatment worked taking 6 months to substntially (not completely) clear my skin. Then after two years, my lesions returned. My dermatologist then went on to steroid injections. Approximately 75 injections monthly. These proved to be almost useless.

Then a friend told me about skincap. In two weeks, my psoriasis was GONE. Not better, GONE. The only lesion I had left was on my butt, which I could not reach to spray. My wife sprayed it for 1 week and it is now gone. I cut down application from twice daily to once daily and now only when a legion reappears, which does not happen often.

I have been virtually psoriasis clear for a full year. I have had no side effects. No flare ups. No headaches.

The only semi side effect I had was that my knees and elbows (where my legions were at their worst) could sunburn quickly when I was a regular skincap user, but sunscreen handled that problem. Now that I am using the spray only very rarely, I have not problem.

I have never wanted to write a testamonial before, but this product deserves it.
From Paul Venezia:

I've had psoriasis for the past 7 years. In that time, I've been hospitalized for treatment 4 times, each time lasting 3-5 weeks, costing over $1,000 a day. I left those treatments usually 80-95% cleared, but the condition always returned within a few months. I had given up, and decided that it was my fate to live with psoriasis.

Then I was given a number to call, to get Skin-Cap.

I got 2 spray cans, which lasted my less than a week, since I had a lot of area to treat. Even though I only had a weeks' exposure to the product, I've cleared 100% in some places, and not less than 50% in others, and I haven't treated any areas in 4 days. I've never seen nything work this well. Not triamcinolone, hydrocortizone, PUVA, or even anthralin. All three have made my condition worse in some cases.

I'm reminded of the story 'Flowers for Algernon'. I know that there are new-found risks about Skin-Cap, and to tell the truth, I could care less right now. I can now see clear, new skin in places where there have been plaques for over 4 years.
From Brigitte Ball:

I'm in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and we have only had Skin-Cap available to us for the past 4 months. I have heard that it is supposed to contain the highest level (7) of steroids in it, but the manufacturer in Spain denies that there is anything other than Zinc in the product. The lastest rumour around our city is that it's the Dermatologists that are beind the removal/recall of the product. Supposidly, the skin doctors in Canada got together (and perhaps that includes the U.S. doctors) and formed a large & powerful lobby group that convenced Health Canada (and the FDA) to pull the product (which was recalled 2 days after the U.S. recall). In any case, this conglomeration of dermatologists apparently see Skin-Cap as a threat to both THEIR income and the income of the pharmiceutical companies, and proceeded to approach the Spanish manufacturer and tryed to buy it out. When that failed, they are said to have offered the maker a blank cheque. In other words, name your price - we'll give you as much money as you want. The update to this story is that the Canadian Distributor (who now has approx. 60,000 cans in his warehouse) has contacted the manufacturer in Madrid, and the the Madrid owners will be coming to Canada within a few weeks from now to join with our Distributor and hiring some first rate lawyers to fight the Case against the Health Canada recall in a court of law. Now...I would imagine that if Madrid comes to the Great White North to fight a legal battle, it would stand to reason that they'd also be doing the same with lawyers and the FDA. Hopefully we'll find out fairly soon what the outcome will be. As for the Mexican theory, no that won't happen, because the product is an aerisol can, and items such as these cannot be brought into a country via air or through the mails. If border purchase was possible, it would have to be via road traffic. I have just started a local Windsor Chapter of the "Psoriasis Society of Canada" which has it's head office in Halifax, Nova Scotia. So far I've received a pile of literature and am organizing a "Walk for Psoriasis" which is to take place on Sunday, October 5th, in order to raise research monies for our ailment. I've been told the the U.S. also has a Psoriasis Society, with chapters all over the states. If anyone knows the address (E-mail or snail mail) please pass it on, cause I'd like to join their group. Haven't done it yet, but I intend to do up a WEB PAGE that will cover the psoriasis subject.
From anonymous:

At one time P covered 70% of my body. Torso, legs, and arms. PUVA was effective but treatments were expensive and inconvenient. Skin Cap has allowed my P to clear almost 100%. Distubing to think that "Big Brother" will remove the one treatment of psoriasis in my lifetime that has a dramatic effect on a malady that is akin to leprecy.

I have just e-mailed National Psoriasis Foundation, to withdraw my financial support (albeit meager) because they've sided with Glaxo. If they had our well-being in mind they would have encouraged Glaxo to come up with the same formula as Cheminova. Bottom line -- Skin Cap works for me like nothing else ever has, but NPF is fighting it. Whose bed are they in?
From LRud@aol.com:

I have been using SC for 6 months with no side effects. I have used Dovonex, Temovate, Kenalog, and probably everything available OTC. Nothing, Nothing has ever completely cleared me like SC. I only need to use it sparingly now whenever I see a small, small spot appearing. Otherwise I stay clear and happy.
From anonymous:

I'm a health professional with a DEA liscense to prescribe drugs. I've monitored my blood levels and they're absoutely normal! I've had P for over twenty years and tried just about EVERYTHING. None of it worked for any length of time. Finally, Skin Cap came along and I've been completely free and clear for over a year. I've got a social life again and my practice is booming. If I don't keep this P under control my practice will probably DIE and I'll go Bankrupt! So you can see, this is no light matter.

How can I get the stuff? Can I go to Mexico and just drive back across the border with the stuff? Where does one go in Mexico and how does one go about it? How much does it cost there?

BTW has anyone used HydraSkin with good results?

I'm calling the FDA in the morning to see what I can find out.
From Bob L.:

I had a minor case of psoriasis (elbow, small spots on legs) and I had been going forPUVA for 5 years. We stopped the PUVA because of the cancer risks and also because I was developing some psoriasis on my elbow and small spots on the legs despite the PUVA. PUVA was also a major hassle because of the nauseating PUVA drugs I had to ingest and also because you must shield your eyes from sunlight for 18 hours after you take those drugs.

I have been using Skin-cap for the past year. It cures it all. When it is not used, the P comes back over time. So I have been using it sparingly, about 3 weeks per can.

I'm glad I have about 6 cans left and will use them very sparingly.

I'm thinking this whole FDA mess may have good consequence - eventually: I'm expecting Skin-Cap or the exact equivalent of skin-cap to become available via prescription. That way the derms can get a piece of the action. Then a pretty effective solution to P will be available to us all. And then those of us with prescription plans will be able to save lots of money as well. All parties can win!
From Roger:

Thank you very much for staying on top of things for the rest of us suffurers, after having used this miracle cure and having it taken off the market, even here in Canada. I would appreciate you keeping me posted on future development as they happen. If you need any help, pleased advise and I will do what I can. Thanks again.
From Robert Boulden:

I have used Skin Cap for 1 year and had my P clear up in 2 weeks. I was under the care of a physician who was giving me the Goeckerman Regimen. I started using the S.C. during the last 2 weeks of my treatment on my legs only. The nurse told me that my legs cleared up remarkably fast. I did not tell them about the S.C. I have used it since then as a maintenance medication with good success along with MG 217. I was not happy with the price and small portion. I hope that this medication returns to the market as it did help me. Robert
From Don Gould:

Hey, sign me up as a beleiver. Skin-CAP is almost like a miracle, I have wrestled with psoriasis for 20 plus years and this is the first product to actually WORK. I don't need FDA and greedy drug companies to save me from myself.. I need SKIN-CAP to save me from Drs. who have over the years injected 117 doses of corticosteroids up my posterior and prescribed a small fortune worth of useless, frustrating skin scarring topical junk. Donations to the wealthy "pharmicuetals" I for one do not beleive they or the NPF give a fat damn about " until a cure is found" effective treatment for us poor slobs if it means lost dollars or elimination of thier positions. To endorse an OTC effective in-expensive product COULD MEAN SELF-DESTRUCTION for a few fat cats if you get my message. I have 17 tubes (I like the cream) and 10 on the way. I have but one request,,, What is the shelf life of my favorite (topical) OTC product??????????? I beleive it to be a pertinent question as I read the net about others stocking up as I have done. SC is still available it would seem as I bought ten tubes of cream this morning. If you are unable to secure the answer to my question perhaps you could pass it on along on your response memo. SC is so effective and requires such a small application quantity that one may be unwise to overstock?????
From anonymous:

I'm a Nashville resident and have been using Skin Cap for about 3 months. Like the rest of your supporters, it is the first medical application I've discovered that truly works, fast and without any apparent side effects. Of course, like the rest, I was over-joyed at the discovery of this miracle cure. Finally, something that works, and from what I knew, no harmful side efffects! I, too, once used Temovate for two weeks years ago and, although I enjoyed better results than with other creams (but not as good as with Skin-Cap), the damaging aspects were quickly apparent, especially the thinning of skin where it was applied. I haven't noticed a comparable effect from Skin-Cap at this point.
From Wendy R.:

I totally share your enthusiasm and concern about Skin Cap. I got psoriasis at age 9, and the dermatologist had to look up the name, which he could not pronounce, in a journal. I spent my tender teen years feeling and looking like a leper, since no medicine worked. I used to sit indoors with a hat on because my scalp itched so badly that somehow the pressure of the hat seemed to help. I spent my early marriage years using horrible treatments, including sleeping with arms and legs wrapped in SARAN WRAP to concentrate the awful greasy smelly tar junk. (My husband really loves me.) Nothing worked. When I was 30 I got fed up and spent 3 weeks in the hospital with tar baths, greasing up and taking light treatments. That worked!! I was clear for the first time in so many years. But, I became a slave to the light box, which at that time was an hour away from home. So 2 to 3 times a week for years, I dragged my little boy to the hospital so I could get undressed and sweat. But the psoriasis came back, and I had 2 basal cell SKIN CANCERS removed this summer!!!! Now, at age 50, I have been using Skin Cap for a year; my skin is CLEAR and I have had no side effects AT ALL. My 26 year old daughter, who inherited this joy from me, also has used everything under the sun (no pun intended), and the only thing that worked for her was light treatments, which she became a slave to and finally gave up on. She has been using Skin Cap for a year with FABULOUS RESULTS....clear skin, no side effects!!!!!! I HOPE THE FDA READS THESE TESTIMONIALS. LET US HAVE OUR SKIN CAP.
From Janine Belli:

I'm a long-time sufferer of P. and SC is the ONLY thing I have ever used with such great results! We have to have it back! ... I want to thank you again. Because of your web page, I was able to order a dozen more cans of SC. It was like a ton being lifted off my shoulders, knowing that I have SC for a while longer, hopefully long enough for them to get this mess straightened out. I will be getting a letter off, so that hopefully we will not have to go back living without SC. BTW, I forgot to mention that I have had NO side effects from my use of SC. I have been using it for about 1 1/2 yrs. and have not suffered even skin thinning much less psychosis. (although my husband may debate that, :-). ) Thanks again for your efforts. I'm not really a take charge person, so thank heavens some of you are!
From WLP:

I admire your stance against the recent upheaval over the FDA's action against Skin Cap. I truly hope SC is everything it has been to millions who suffer from psoriasis.

It is beyond disbelief that such actions could be taken against a product, which is the first in 100 years that has provided any hope to sufferers of psoriasis world wide.

The FDA and any other governing body that holds the cell block keys to this product must be made aware of the devastating impact they are creating for millions who have, for the first time perhaps, in their lives, found away out of their leper style confounds.

I've been subjected to medications that threatens my liver (MTX), thins my skin (Psorcon) and literally burns holes (Glaxo Wellcome Inc's prescription psoriasis treatment called Temovate) in it. I've had year round suntans (PUVA) that dries my skin even after applying absurd amounts of moisturizers. But the most difficult to combat is the social embarrassment one must face daily. I'd rather have cancer.

Skin Cap is the first and only product that clears psoriasis (period). For me, I've enjoyed nearly 100% remission for 6 months. More importantly, I haven't suffered, not one, side effect the FDA claims could exist or that Glaxo might be counting on to exist. The only effect I've experienced is the return of my social life, my self esteem and my near death dignity.

If Skin Cap is withdrawn from the market perpetuated by the greed of Glaxo or any other company which deems Skin Cap threatening to their bottom line. I hope the soulless and heartless individuals who knowingly sentenced millions to a life of pain and heartache one day find themselves rotting in hell and accept that as our receipt to them for what they've done. FYI: I'm going to write to the FDA , NPF and Glaxo. Also it might interest you to know with regards to Dermatologist endorsement's of Skin Cap, my Dr. is an Associate with (New Haven, CT) Yale's School of medicine; Dermatological dept. and was the one who recommended SC.

My sister's head of a Trauma Center in Washington and her Husband is a Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgeon, both of whom are very well aware of Skin Cap and have, even this early in the controversy, expressed that much of the to-do over SC is a farce.
From John Gorman :

"I had ugly psoriasis on my shins for 20 years. Hydrocortizone cream could keep it from scaling and itching, but not from being ugly.

"I have just started using Skin-Cap two weeks ago, and my skin is rapidly clearing. A friend of mine had the same results, which is how I heard about it."
From anonymous:

"Just one month ago I started using skin-cap. And within 2 weeks - my spots were gone! Now I am nearing the end of my bottle and the stress this 'ban' is giving me is going to cause a major flare up!! Over 5 years and none other did what skin cap did. Where can I find some more??!! Your efforts are GREATLY appreciated by sufferers like myself. Let me know what else I can do!!"
From Rob Dirne:

"It was interesting reading your piece on Skin Cap. I have just used Skin Cap for five days and for the second time in my life, my psoriasis is gone ! The first time was after the PUVA light treatment."
From anonymous:

"I have been using skincap for the past three weeks and my lesions are almost gone.I am devastated at the thought of going back to products that won't work and will make me flake like crazy.... So I said:SAVE skincap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
From anonymous:

"I have used many different medicines for my psoriasis. I have had psoriasis for 20 years.I started using skin cap on my scalp with great results. I've never seen such a fast inprovement in my psoriasis in about 3 days the psoriasis were gone.I still use skin cap about once a week.GREAT STUFF. I hope they bring it back on the market soon."
From Scott M. Gray :

Date: Saturday, August 23, 1997 1:54 AM

I have had P. for over 23 years. I have used just about every drug that Military Dermatologists and outside doctors have recommended. I have read the internet for over three years for all the latest on this subject. I have been 80% cleared once from a months stay in the Hospital at Fort Gordon GA when I was put through UVA and Tar with Tridesilon *Ointment* (Desonide) on at all other hours. It did 80% and was back within a month, even worse.

I purchased a product (new at the time in the united states) about 18 months ago named EXOREX (OTC), very expensive, and it also did well for me. I put it on 2 to 3 times a day, ruined a lot of clothes with stains in the process and it cleared me in about 7 weeks to a point of shorts wearing for 2 1/2 weeks and boom, it all came back (worse than ever)

I have been using Skin-Cap for only a month. Within three days I saw more improvement than I have ever had, and I have used Temovate, Diprolene, All Tar based products, Westcort, Lydex, and just about every other drug that was the "Time of Choice" in its hay-day. Skin cap by far has cleared me faster and more effectively than any other treatment I have ever encountered. One of the great side effects I have had is more time in my life. It takes me less than two minutes to apply it in spray form and I am about 80% covered (or was) in my mind and the Docs call it a 50+ % coverage from the waist down and about 20% coverage from the waist up. Well, since I have only been using it a month, I would say I am about NOTHING covered and just am awaiting the rest of the red spots to disapper.

This treatment has changed my life. I am now 38 years old and for the first time I can go in public and wear shorts, not get stared at, not be asked if I have AIDS or did I get burned when I was little. I am FINALLY looked at like a normal human being and I will do WHATEVER it takes to continue to get skin-cap, if that meant flying to Spain to purchase it and fill up my suitcase, mail it to myself or smuggle it in. I am not a criminal, do not have a criminal mind even; however this MUST be approved by someone. It is apparent to me that this is more of a pissing contest with Drug Companies being pissed and embarrassed that they are losing a great deal of money and did not find it first. Even if it has CP in it, it is nothing that is not being prescribed to us all ready ..... SO MAKE A COPY of the damn thing!

I will continue to use SC no matter what happens. as of August 22, 1997, I have and accumulated over 20 Beautiful Blue Cans and will continue to aquire as much as I can until our Infamous FDA quits kissing the drup companies ass'.

From bla4@hotmail.com:

"I am writing in regards to your site on skin cap spray. I, like yourself, have had psoriasis since I was 14 years old. I too have used the topical creams and ointments, used uvb lights and suffered burns repeatedly. I started using skin cap spray about 3 months ago and I have been absolutely amazed at the results that I have had from it. I noticed results after the first use. I find myself very angry that a big time company would once again like to steal away from us the little people just to make a fast buck. Skin Cap has allowed me to regain my self-confidence back, to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and smile again. I had the gasps and looks of disgust, some even afraid to sit next to you in fear that what you have is contagious. I'm sure there are millions of us out there all with the same kinds of horror stories but with the Skin Cap we should be allowed to have a happy ending. When i think of that 14 year old teenager walking down the hallway of school being looked at as a walking disease, well it cuts to the heart because I've been there. I am also sending a letter to the NPF and GLAXO and FDA giving my support to Skin Cap, because I have had no side effects using the spray only relief."
From AromaBliss@aol.com:

"I want to congratulate you on your efforts to save Skin Cap. I too use it and have had NO side affects. I have a cousin that uses it and has had NO side affects. We both have been using Skin Cap for about 6 months. The fact is, we use very little Skin Cap in comparison to the 10's of years of steroid injections and creams ..with...100% satisfaction from Skin Cap."
From anonymous:

"I have had this disease since I was 21 years old ( more than 45 years ) and I have tried many medications of all types, including tars and steroids. I have also tried UV treatments, at great expense.

"The first time steroids were perscribed ( about 35 years ago ), I experienced complete clearing for about 2 weeks, after which it returned - but with increased intensit. Since then, with a variety of medications - most recently, Dovonex - the best I have been able to achieve has been to reduce the intensity and keep it stable with continuous topical treatment.

"Three months ago, my dermatologist gave me Skin-Cap. After 4 days, the patches were drasically reduced in size and color. After 2 weeks, my skin was clear.

"However, I was concerned about the continuous use of Skin-Cap because it had such a powerful effect. I decided to minimize its use, and used Dovonex to treat the new patches when they appeared, until the disease again became of such a level that the patches were becoming unsightly again. Then, I again used Skin-Cap for a few days ( 3 to 7 ) until the disease was under control again. The cycle seems to be about 4 days of Skin-Cap, about 2 weeks of Dovonex, to maintain cosmetically acceptable results. This routine has been used for only a short time ( 3 months ), but I have experienced no apparent side-effects.

"For the first time in these past 45 years, I can wear short sleeves and short pants, and go swimming without emarassment and comment. It is wonderful to have this freedom again, and I hope that we can find a way to maintain it."
From lisatcc@polarnet.com:

"As a 30 year veteran of psoriasis I've tried every possible approach to controlling this disease. Anyone with this experience knows how it goes. Starving yourself works...but it also kills you in the long run. Intense light therapy helps, but you end up with prematurely aged skin like mine, or cancer which I've managed to escape so far. Then there are the endless, expensive tubes of steroids that take hours and hours of your life to pay for and apply, with less than exciting results. And don't forget the coal tar...now there's an ideal treatment for ya. Skin Cap works quickly, wonderfully, and requires a minimum of effort. I for one, have stocked up big time on this product since it seems that the big boys will be taking it away soon. Would love to help in any efforts to keep this available."
From pigman@primenet.com:

"I tried using vitamins and minerals for about three months and found they had little effect. There was another pump spray that came to me via Scarborough, but it was not effective. SKIN CAP, however decreased the scaling, lightened the color and took away that horrible itch. There was a time when the psoriasis would burst into full-life after a hot bath... Now I can luxuriate without worry. I'm sorry to hear that something as good as this product is being considered a danger to the public :("

(Submit your own feedback or view newer responses)

Copyright © 1997 by Save Skin-Cap. All rights reserved.
Revised: 23 Jun 1998 16:26:34 -0700."Cheminova says there are NO STEROIDS in Skin-Cap."

Do you think that it's in THEIR best interest to keep people using their product? Of course it is. Look how long it took to get tobacco manufacturers to admit cigarettes as a carcinogenic substance.

I firmly believe that Cheminova has acted in a blatantly unethical fashion and I am very upset by the fact that they continue to deny the presence of clobetasol propionate in their product. I have since experienced what I would consider a significant rebound in my psoriasis and am hopeful that the NPF and the FDA will be able to stop Cheminova from selling such a potentially harmful product.

You have my permission to print my comments, although I'd be pretty surprised to see an opposing viewpoint on your page. Please re-consider your advocacy of Skin-Cap as an OTC product. If your really want to use such a powerful drug, you should be able to find a dermatologist who can accept your willingness to risk the severe side effects that are associated with superpotent steroids.
From Judy King -- 9/9/97 11:42 AM:

I have written a letter to the NPF which I am attaching to this note to you. I have been so distraught at their approach to reporting on Skin-Cap, I feel I have to withdraw my support from the organization. I hope others will join me and that you can be a catalist for this. Please use my letter to promote the idea. Thanks, Judy King

From Jim Balutis -- 9/8/97 4:23 PM:

Skin Cap has made my life liveable... I'm a publicist at a major record label and have some pretty heavy media contacts...let me know if I can help! I'd like to pitch a story on psoriatics and Skip Cap to Prime Time Live...
From Fred Kofler -- 9/8/97 3:53 PM:

Great Idea, we got to get together and save skincap. The shit works like a miracle and I'm mad as hell it was taken away.
From Jody D. in Central MA -- 9/7/97 1:58 PM:

Cant' tell you what the miracle of Skin Cap did for my 11 year old daughter who was diagnosed with one of the worst cases of scalp P any Dr. had seen.. We went through & ders, in four year and every steroid on the market, even met with one of the found ing Drs. of EXOREX at Boston Universsity.. and the ONLY thing that has worked is Skin CAO.. Thank God for Great Lakes Pharmacuetcai, my daughters order just arrived in time..It's the pharmacuetical companies in this country that DON'T want an over the counter cure.. it's been a true miracle here..
From Rita Hugelmann -- 9/6/97 11:13 PM:

We can all bet that if some of the people who are trying to deprive us of skin-cap had psoriasis or anything similar and suffered the way we had and then came across this miracle we've found they'd be doing anything in their power to keep it around for all who choose to have a normal life
From Howard Fields:

I have suffered with psorasis for 20 years. I tried virtually every topical ointment I could find both over the counter and by prescription. After 12 years of little success, I began UVB treatments three times a week for the next three years. For two years, the UVB treatment worked taking 6 months to substntially (not completely) clear my skin. Then after two years, my lesions returned. My dermatologist then went on to steroid injections. Approximately 75 injections monthly. These proved to be almost useless.

Then a friend told me about skincap. In two weeks, my psoriasis was GONE. Not better, GONE. The only lesion I had left was on my butt, which I could not reach to spray. My wife sprayed it for 1 week and it is now gone. I cut down application from twice daily to once daily and now only when a legion reappears, which does not happen often.

I have been virtually psoriasis clear for a full year. I have had no side effects. No flare ups. No headaches.

The only semi side effect I had was that my knees and elbows (where my legions were at their worst) could sunburn quickly when I was a regular skincap user, but sunscreen handled that problem. Now that I am using the spray only very rarely, I have not problem.

I have never wanted to write a testamonial before, but this product deserves it.
From Paul Venezia:

I've had psoriasis for the past 7 years. In that time, I've been hospitalized for treatment 4 times, each time lasting 3-5 weeks, costing over $1,000 a day. I left those treatments usually 80-95% cleared, but the condition always returned within a few months. I had given up, and decided that it was my fate to live with psoriasis.

Then I was given a number to call, to get Skin-Cap.

I got 2 spray cans, which lasted my less than a week, since I had a lot of area to treat. Even though I only had a weeks' exposure to the product, I've cleared 100% in some places, and not less than 50% in others, and I haven't treated any areas in 4 days. I've never seen nything work this well. Not triamcinolone, hydrocortizone, PUVA, or even anthralin. All three have made my condition worse in some cases.

I'm reminded of the story 'Flowers for Algernon'. I know that there are new-found risks about Skin-Cap, and to tell the truth, I could care less right now. I can now see clear, new skin in places where there have been plaques for over 4 years.

The opinions of this site are of a personal nature, and not to be understood as a medical advice. Consult a qualified doctor for diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis.
We don't have any affiliation with the manufacturers of Skin Cap, and we don't sell any products. If you are interested in Skin Cap, you can find a few Skin Cap distributors on the Internet.

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